
After the earthquake disaster psychological counselling and guidance

May 12 4 Chuan Wenchuan earthquake shocked the whole world. Chinese leaders and people of disaster relief staff of ecstasy and enthusiasm is rarely seen in history. Sichuan Province and Sichuan disaster relief command center led the entire staff and all the people together in relief work made a significant contribution, to rescue a few of their precious lives. According to the American Psychological research shows that when a disaster in substantial psychological trauma, his doctors do not necessarily have to get psychological treatment can eliminate the psychological trauma. Victims and friends can talk and psychological feelings of grief and grievances, in order to get the understanding and help a friend; can engage in some meaningful activities to help others to do some things so that the victims understand the value of life. Therefore, to help victims eliminate psychological trauma is not just a doctor thing, but our people's things. Every Chinese should be extending a helping hand, caring heart, so that victims feel that the whole community is concerned about and help them. Below from a psychological point of view of the psychological trauma the affected staff will have the results. American Psychological research shows that when they receive the same disaster, the extent of their psychological trauma can be very different. Victims may be a good mentality to adjust their own, in the face of reality, courage, for the future of life and struggle. And another person, may go from depression, psychological trauma will always difficult to eliminate. What has caused two of the affected, there will be so very different psychological reaction? » Research shows that each of the victims have different personality, different life experiences, the different level of education and psychological characteristics of the different. For these reasons, the Passion, they also reflect the psychological very different. Below cite a few cases: the disaster, a 50-year-old victim and his family all died, his family only one survived. After the earthquake, he quickly adjust our own mentality and immediately put into relief operations. In the process of disaster relief, he saw so many people were injured or lost their lives, do their utmost to rescue the affected staff to make its own contribution, has also been a great psychological comfort. Another young as 12-year-old girl, lost both parents in the earthquake and their families, only one survived her. She is a ballet lovers, the children were rescued, one leg was amputated. Having lost a leg and lost loved ones in circumstances, she was not sad crush, not the future of life on the road to the bumpy and despair. On the contrary, she firmly believes that the future will also become an outstanding芭蕾舞演员psychological barriers also soon be free. However, there are many of the affected staff endured the pain of lost loved ones, from the psychological trauma can not come out in the future and the future of life on the future of the loss of confidence. This is刻骨铭心grief, if not timely psychological counselling, it is very difficult to eliminate these people of their psychological trauma. In order to effectively to the affected staff counselling and guidance, let us look at the whole process of psychological trauma. The following table is the psychological trauma during a brief chart: To sum up, we can see that in an unfortunate incident, the psychological trauma of the affected staff may be transformed into a physiological disease, the affected people great harm. Process of psychological trauma from the table, not the decision affected the degree level of psychological trauma the main factors. Psychological trauma procedures are affected by the brain activity plays a role. In other words, victims must be stimulated by the outside world through the internal (that is, to my own analysis of things) to play a role. Understanding of this process, we can be certain psychological ways and means to help the affected persons the right adjustments to their way of thinking, thereby enhancing their mental control. Below from a psychological point of view, provided to the affected staff and staff in helping and supporting some specific psychological therapy, as a means of addressing the psychological trauma the affected staff to enable them re-establish the confidence and courage of life. One of psychological therapy: anxious to talk to eliminate psychological trauma U.S. research shows that: When a patient by the great psychological trauma after their unfortunate buried Cangzaixinli, on the great psychological harm, and will develop into different physiological disease. In order to effectively eliminate the psychological trauma of an effective psychological approach is to encourage the affected staff will discharge their feelings of grief out. They can quiet place loud cry; can tell their own sad feelings obligations workers or friends; can talk themselves want to say out. From the psychological point of view, this is a very important process. Our psychologists and obligations of workers to the affected staff and trying to communicate, so that victims will be painful and anxiety Qingxie out, thereby eliminating their feelings of grief and anxiety. Psychological therapy two: re-establish a life of self-confidence After the earthquake, the affected officers lost their loved ones, lost property, lost it and the survival of all things. This strong sense of excitement and loneliness, they have the courage to re-live have a great impact. In such circumstances, how to build self-confidence of the affected personnel is very important. Psychologists or obligations of the affected workers deal with the specific situation analysis, to help them presents its own advantages, if a victim has the following advantages: ① older I also light, ② my body good, ③ I have a better Education, ④ I have a technical, ⑤ I have many friends, ⑥ Government and the community I care about, and so on. Each victim has his own unique advantages. When a person feel that they have the advantage, he will establish a new life on the self-confidence. Obligations of the affected staff and workers should be together to help the affected staff listed all the advantages of their own. Psychological therapy three: The use of comparative law to eliminate psychological trauma The affected staff set out its own advantages, the application of its own advantages compared to other more unfortunate victims. Such as their own after the disaster, the Government, the community so much care and help the Government will, as always, help me, I also older light, and so on, can use their advantages to these unfortunate people more than that. If Iraqi refugees, they play broken up by war, nor by the international community substantive assistance. Tremble with fear in their daily life, my situation much better than them. Compared to this psychological method will be psychologically affected in great balance. Others can be in such unfortunate circumstances continue to live, why I can not » Psychological therapy four: attention Control Act To warn the affected staff not to think about what happened in the past has been, and not to think about the sad scenes. When negative to the idea, immediately transfer their attention, think about the future a better future, thinking there are so many people care about me and think about the Government has been for us, happy to think about some things to replace sorrow Thing. This approach through exercises, each person can do, because thinking is affected by the control of their own staff. At the same time, time is the panacea for healing psychological trauma, such attention through the control of law and psychological hint, with the passage of time, the affected staff to know how to adjust their mental state, thereby overcoming psychological obstacles, tide over the crisis. Psychological therapy five: the establishment of helping and supporting organizations Obligation to help the group could be established, staff will be affected under the age or under different family, divided into groups. Each allocated some obligation to help the staff (psychologists can also be a general obligation to workers, these people should have better language and communication skills). These officers should always help the affected staff together and help them solve difficulties, and chat with them, listen to their psychological feelings. Helping staff to use psychological hint, to the affected staff will explain the government from work and material help them and to show them a better future of the drawing, to enable them to build a new future life of confidence. And sometimes they can embrace, the embrace is an effective means to ease the psychological trauma, so that the affected staff from the bottom of my heart, feel the love of friends and the community for their concern. Taiwan is not customary in this area, but this method is very effective. Psychological therapy for six: the value of self-awareness guide Organizations can have the physical capacity of the affected staff to do something within its power to help others do. Through this process, so that they can realize their life values. American Psychological research shows that when a person has done to other people's things, will help people stay happy feeling, he was the value. In this process, so that victims can gradually restore self-confidence, enhance their own values, so forget their suffering. Seven of psychological therapy: active group activities Organizations affected staff to engage in a collective activity, and this activity must be more cooperation to complete. For example, to help other children to engage in activities or to volunteer together, and so on. Through this process, the affected staff have enhanced mutual understanding and exchanges, so that they understand the activities of other people's love and friendship, which enjoy the meaning of life. 8 psychological therapy: a clear blueprint for the reconstruction of their homes Government to rebuild their homes as soon as possible to design the plan and inform the affected staff to enable them clear in the future work and daily life, accommodation, as well as all aspects of what can be the kind of help, clearly the future of their region will build what kind The region, plans to detail and be able to fulfill. This will bring disaster to the expectations of life and courage. Government should encourage the affected staff make their own requests, specific and into the computer of these requirements, the establishment of the file. The Government should under reasonable circumstances, as far as possible to meet their demands. Nine psychological therapy: timely disaster victims in a typical Targeted some of the affected will be able to turn grief into strength, and also for others to do the typical contribution to the victims in the affected personnel so that they can psychologically to compare. If the affected staff that other people's disaster greater than their own, others are still contribute to society, why can not I » This would be typical of their play a very important role to imitate, thus establishing the confidence of life. The following section is to help traumatized children to eliminate the specific psychological tactics. Under the process of psychological trauma, psychological trauma is the extent of the disaster victims through the understanding and analysis to the role. In other words, the external stimulus to pass the internal analysis, only play a role. If a mental patients, after he would not have affected and the victims are usually the same grief. Because of mental patients in the external stimulus can not be good for internal analysis, so after the disaster, they will not feel pain. Children under the age difference, after the disaster, the children's psychological trauma or the same level. The greater the age, the greater the psychological trauma. Because they have affected the results and the consequences of lost loved ones on the analysis, so that pain is even greater. Therefore, we in psychological counselling, according to different age, different means to help children. Following is the children psychological counselling to the specific tactics. One of the psychological tactics: For children 1-3 years old, each or every child should have a number of adult female volunteers to custody of these children. Obligations of workers should be given to these children living provide good care. Because the children of this age, ability to understand the disaster is still not strong, so good from life to the care is of paramount importance. Let them feel that their loved ones are, so that they feel the warmth of their adults. The second psychological tactics: For children 4-6 years old, female volunteers should not only play the role of mothers have to play the role of psychologists. From the life care for them, to their organization, so that they play in the process of gradually forget the pain of heart. And we have to patiently tell them that what is the earthquake, why would an earthquake, and tell them how to face the disaster, disaster how to overcome difficulties and become useful to build, and contribute to society. More recognition of these children, for children will bring happiness, improve their self-confidence, will make them forget their suffering. Do not blame the children when the children done wrong, do not directly criticize them, and should use the "sandwich" theory and their exchanges, namely, to praise the merits of the children, he further pointed out the shortcomings, and then to encourage him. Passion, the child's soul has been traumatized, such as to criticize them, psychological trauma will be even greater. Psychological tactics 3: For children over the age of 7, their understanding of things have been very strong, after the disaster, to have children by their own requirements. To tell the children, their future life, study and work will not be affected, the Government and the people at all times, care for them. And to solicit their views, what kind of hope to families to live, and the information entered into the computer, the establishment of a database. According to the child's computer requirements and adoptive family of automated matching. In this way, from the psychological point of view, will hit the children and adoptive families from the psychological well tacit understanding. Finally, to introduce a hero, and hope that through this true story, the Chinese all of the affected staff help. USA Georgia State University, a student at the time of birth on the forelimb and the leg did not and can not walk upright, to be crawling with the way walking, looking from a distance, he almost can not distinguish between a person or a dog. But the college students, Pinxuejianyou, often engaged in public welfare undertakings. In middle school, he in the entire state of the wrestling competition, has made the top three good results. After college, he was selected for the school wrestling team, this is a miracle. He traveled throughout the United States, the obligation to give lectures to young people and teach them the meaning of life lies in the pursuit, the dedication, is for the community and others alive. He said: "With this conviction, as I look like dogs or as individuals, are irrelevant because I use my heart to tell the dedication of the community, I came to this world, not from, but to give. Although God did not want to give me something, but he has given me life. I came to this community, not for my physical deterioration and complain, complain that can not be changed because the status quo. I came to this world, is to give This is the meaning of life. "The students regardless of wherever you go, are subject to the respect of his people. I believe that this story for every affected staff and their families should be a good inspiration. A person can no limbs, but he also so warm and happy life and dedication to do for others. From which victims can understand that life is the pursuit of noble and lofty. Many people may have suffered natural disasters or man-made damage, such as the war in Iraq has led to hundreds of thousands of innocent people lost their lives, that we are not beyond the control of their own. When the inevitable disaster comes, we the victims can do is to adjust their thinking and mentality and objectively face the reality and constantly remind ourselves: hundreds of thousands of compatriots in the motherland of concern to us, we help them , The self-reliance should be alive, happy life. To the future, in order to the next generation, to create a better tomorrow

