
Yang stone Olympic Games and seven countries: natural disasters, man-made disasters to political

Beijing Olympics, China's rise as a symbol of this rise will inevitably trigger the redrawing of the international sphere of influence, must also involve the basic interests of each country and the distribution of wealth. Only a small country of wind direction, the major powers will certainly take the initiative to hand, the powers of the rise of China will not sit idly by and watch. China is not Singapore, South Korea is not, nor is it in Japan, this large population, Kuaitou the country once again rise Feitongxiaoke, shocked the world, even the Chinese people want to eat meat that the U.S. will cause panic, most recently in China will promote the food crisis. Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 From the heart of Europe people are unwilling to accept China's development model, the European generally regarded China as an authoritarian state, now the country also has a huge economic strength, China's development model of this vast number of developing countries, Third World States have a broad appeal, which would reduce the attractiveness of the European model. Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 Not a major world events, to free themselves from the man-made political operation or political motives, the Chinese would have expected the forthcoming opening of the Beijing Olympic Games can to win a good reputation, but the "Financial Times" and the Harris survey results show that China surpassed the United States And become the biggest threat to the eyes of Europeans. In the United States, China was regarded as North Korea and Iran greater than the threat. Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 China opened a bad year, the first snow disaster in January, then March riots Lama of Tibet, then in Paris and London staged the Olympic torch relay interfere with the "human rights" performances, while the Western countries to activate the media machine launched The omnipresent on the "tyranny of the autocratic Communist China" and the attack on "human rights repression in Tibet" condemnation, is rare in the Western media chorus. Immediately after the 512 earthquake in Sichuan. Yes, the first five months, to China is indeed troubled. Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 Completely exposed before the people in the destruction, and the Chinese government on a strong and effective disaster response, has won worldwide sympathy and generous donors, a month ago, the Chinese people of discontent suddenly changed in the eyes of the international community, China Image from the earthquake before the so-called provocateurs has now become the victims of human rights and concern. Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 China in the quake demonstrated by the high efficiency of rescue operations, but also Western countries shocking. Whether the disaster is natural or lower international powers created by man-made disasters, China, has already turned into a positive test and strength, so that the Chinese people more closely together. This is the international powers Feijinxinji unexpected. Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 Past natural disasters are often governments will push firing line, such as the "September 11" is about the failure of imagination, Hurricane Katrina on the operations of the failure of the Government of Myanmar storm is the failure of leadership, but this time the world All see that China highly efficient mobilization capability, the Western world is afraid of. It tells the world if China's war machine running and the potential is tremendous and can not be provocative. If the West is to抢torch "to the Chinese Shang Yike" the psychological, then the Chinese army and people's performance, in addition to disaster relief, is one of the West "Smile warning." Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 Kissinger has warned his colleagues: "If you want to become America's friends in China, China will become America's friends, if you want China to become America's enemy, China will become the enemy of the United States" Yang stone沧海一声笑- blog.sina.com.cn/stoneyang007 However, the earthquake can only temporarily ease China's image and the pressure of political attacks. As one Western diplomat said: "China is too dramatic, long before, people will put it into a corner."

